Sunday, April 5, 2015

LuLu's story

Everyone  read the  story of Maude  and  what  happened on the trail. I want  you to meet Lulu.
I met  her  because  of my friend  Alan. He  saw  her last year when he  was  camping at  Apache' Junction with Kelly  and  Ron.  She  was  with a  gal named Rosemary and  Alan asked her if she was  for sale. He  knew  that  Peg  was still looking for a  good  mule  at the  time. The  lady  didn't  want  to sell her.
It turns  out  that  Rosemary is a  horse trainer and  has  had  this  molly  for the  past three years. Lulu was  repeatedly being  brought  back to her  by  her  300 lb owner  because  she would  buck him off  when he was  mean to her. Rosemary  said  that she just  needed somebody who would  love  her and  gain her  trust. 
We went  to Rosemary's  house  the  next day to look at  this  mule. Understand  that  I still was  pretty  sore  and  beat up from my  episode with Maude. When we got  there , the  entire  back of her  place  was an obstacle  course  and  Lulu was already  saddled. Rosemary  took one  look at me and said  that I was  much  lighter than her  previous  owner  and  would  pack me  just  fine. I wanted to see  what she knew  but, I was  still pretty  sore  so Kelly  rode her around  the  backyard  and  then Allan before  I got  on her.
I pretty  much fell in love  with her  as  soon as  I met  her. She was  that  nice. The  fact  that  so could do every  obstacle  in the  whole  course  effortlessly  helped too!
Rosemary  had  many training obstacles  setup in her  yard.
The  teeter totter/bridge setup
I liked  this  one. You put  the  front two legs in and  rotate the  rear around  the tire. Then put the  rear end  in the  tire and rotate the  front  around  the tire,  kind  of  like  side passing.
"The  Box" go into it and  turn around inside  the  box.
the  hanging  bear obstacle and  the  mailbox.
                                       she had  to pull this  creaky old wagon and blocks  around
                                                     The  mailbox and  chair obstacle

Alan taking  Lulu for a  test drive.
We took her  on several rides seeing  what  she  could  do and  it was great!

she is  like  a  little  Ferrari sports  car! she really  can move  out  when she's in front but  stays  off the  horses  butt  in front of her when we're  on the trail. She's  got  great stamina and  can go all day!
she  really  handles  the  technical trails  very  good and is  a thinker. 
It is an amazing difference  when you're riding  something that  you can feel totally  comfortable  on and it makes it so much easier to establish that  bond between you and  your  trail partner.
I just  Love  her and  I'm so lucky  to have  found  her!
She can be  pretty  laid  back
But, she doesn't  miss much

At home  , when I call her  in the  pasture, she  comes running  to me. That's  something Maude  would never  do….
Like  I said, I just  Love this  mule!

1 comment:

  1. So Happy for you that you found a great riding partner for the trail and also off, and to be able to feel really comfortable with.
    I have met Rosemary at Fillys a few times and also went to her house to show me around
    She's an awesome little ol gal :).
