Thursday, December 12, 2013

Well it's been almost a year  since  I've written anything  on this  blog and  it really  hasn't  been because I didn't  have  anything to talk about. A lot  has  happened in the  past  year.
We went on several great  horse  camping  trips and  spent  a lot of time  at  our  Cowboy  Campsite.
         I officially retired  from 30 years  at the  County Road Dept. and now  we  are  planning  on going  Full time with  our  horses on the  road. Our  plan is  to travel South in the  cold  winter  months and  come  back North  in the  Spring and  Summer  months. We decided  that it would  be much easier  if  we  did that  in a  LQ horse trailer instead  of the  camper/ Bumper pull trailer  like we  did last  year.
So, we went out  and bought a new  LQ trailer by  Lakota

I plan on sharing  the  process of we  are  doing as  far as the  planning  and  preparing  this  trailer and  what  we  need  to do to get ready  for our  life  on the road. I hope that  you'll find  it  interesting and this blog  gives you insite  of what is involved  in living  the  dream.


  1. Randy I will be following your blog. I have let mine lapse also, just no time for it I guess at this point.

  2. Randy we can blog together in AZ. :)

  3. Lots of post on my blog with Peg and Randy last spring in AZ.

  4. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogs Randy and Peg. Come ride with us on ours from time to time.
