Saturday, March 7, 2015

A Friend comes to Goldfield and we Ride Bulldog Canyon

Peg and I were pretty  excited when we  heard that  our  friend Brittany  from Oak Harbor  was  coming to Goldfield to ride  with us.  She, her husband Scott and son Wyatt were  vacationing  in Arizona  visiting  their parents and  traveling for a month.
Peg said that  she could ride  Rita if  she came  and  that's  who we  put her  on to do the  Bulldog  Canyon ride.
This was  actually  my  first  ride in Bulldog Canyon. Peg went  with our  group on three other occaisions and  everytime that she returned, she talked  it up even more. It is truely a  beautiful place. It  is a  blend  of  a  magical garden, a desert  oasis and demanding slick rock trails.
Our friend  Kelly  Brook Allen led us  for most  of  this  ride. 
There  are  many  areas  where  you can find water flowing in the  bottoms  of  the  canyons.
Our  Friends  Alan Gillman and Elisabeth Schmitz-Burchartz and Brittany take a  break during  the ride.
That's one  big Cholla Cactus
Our  chosen lunch spot
The  legendary Alan Gillman aboard  his  new molly mule Miss Kitty.
descending on the  slick rock
That's the  Superstition Mountains off to the right there as Elisabeth and Brittany  lead us back to the  trailhead.
I was  glad  that  Brittany  came  to ride  with us and I had a  great  time  on this  ride. It  was the  first time  back in the  saddle after  my  wreck on Maude.